Subject: S7-30-22: WebForm Comments from Mr. Jones
From: Mr. Jones

Mar. 30, 2023

March 30, 2023

 As an individual retail investor, I thank you for your effort to create more competition and transparency in the market, and I appreciate the chance to comment on these proposals.

In aggregate, these recommended enhancements constitute one of the most significant changes to U.S. equity market structure since Regulation NMS was implemented in 2005.
Tick Sizes, Access Fees, and Transparency of Better Priced Orders S7-30-22
Rebates and other inducements in the marketplace are simply payment for order flow by another name. They lead to trading for the sake of volume. I'd prefer the fees were reduced to zero, but .001 will do. No higher.

I support establishing a variable minimum pricing increment model that would apply to both the quoting and trading of NMS stocks, which are stocks listed on a national securities exchange, regardless of trading venue.

The proposed amendments to Rule 610 would reduce the level of the access fee caps, which limit the fees that can be charged for trading against the best priced quotations displayed in any market. This is a start, but Id like to see exchange rebates completely eliminated.

I support the tick size regime proposed by the Commission, and would also support any structure that is clear and does not rely on vague language. For example, some funds and firms might request language like \"has a reasonable amount of liquidity at the NBBO\". Loose language makes enforcement difficult or impossible, and wastes taxpayer dollars on needless litigation time. Clear language and a clear and unambiguous tick size rule structure are strongly preferred. Please do not include vague language in the application of your rules.

Im sure my letter will be carefully considered, and I want to again thank you for the opportunity to comment