Subject: S7-30-22: WebForm Comments from Anonymous
From: Anonymous

Mar. 18, 2023

 March 18, 2023

 The free market is currently a myth.  The rules have been created and modified to benefit market makers, who use these unfair advantages to control price action and limit true price discovery.

As a household investor, I support this proposal and any other that will create a fair market where true price discovery is possible.  True competition can only exist without market makers using their power to internalize orders and preventing price discovery.

Being able to trade at sub penny values is an unfair advantage that is exploited to prevent true price discovery, and is incompatible with the duty of best execution.

It would also be great if the SEC could do more to enforce these rules.  Small fines are a cost of doing business.  The exploitation of our markets will never be fixed until the penalties from committing crimes outweigh the potential gains.