Subject: SEC Proposal on Regulation NMS: Minimum Pricing Increments, Access Fees, and Transparency of Better Priced Orders (No. S7-30-22)
From: Greg Kopanski

Mar. 07, 2023


House holder here, father of 2. Invested in securities that are adversely impacted by the problems this rule sees to fix. 

Fix pricing improvement, odd lots special status, etc. Why different rules for certain people/companies who themselves profit at the expense of others? They are NOT providing value, taking it with the fake price improvements to the X decimal. It's a trick meant to increase profits from householders like me. There's no need for increments that ordinary people can't actually use (only parallel in my daily life outside of financial markets is 9/10 of a cent additions to gas). Why the special conditions that cost me money through buying frome shares at 20.002 but listing for penny increments. Also why don't all shares even those below 99 have the same impact to prices? We need fairness in our markets! 

I read my son a book called Fair Shares. It teaches fairness. A bear character only needs one chair to reach the pears from a tree, while a rabbit character needs two. One chair each then isn't fair. Citadel and Virtu are able to reach free pears, households like mine can't get any. We're in need of a cop on the beat who helps give the rabbit another chair so he can get pears too. 

Thank you SEC for this proposal and helping bringing fairness to our markets. 

Greg Kopanski