Subject: Re: SEC Proposal on Regulation NMS: Minimum Pricing Increments, Access Fees, and Transparency of Better Priced Orders (No. S7-30-22)
From: Florian Rhyn

Mar. 07, 2023

Dear SEC 

As a retail investor I express my full support for your Proposal on Regulation NMS: Minimum Pricing Increments, Access Fees, and Transparency of Better Priced Orders (No. S7-30-22). 

The increment rules are currently unfair. 

The sanctions against parties who disregard SEC rules should be fined in amounts that substantially surpass any profits made by circumnavigating the rules illegally. Otherwise the SEC fines are just a business expense. This is paramount. 

One more note, please put a stop to failures-to-deliver. Otherwise, retail/household investors will interpret it as a free pass to sell items no-one owns. But for us, failure-to-deliver (FTD) on a car would be called stealing. FTDs require mandtory buy-ins and extreme fines, as well as prison sentences -- just like stealing large sums of money usually does. 

Thank you for your work. 

Florian Rhyn