Subject: S7-30-22: WebForm Comments from Mayo Madoff II
From: Mayo Madoff II
Affiliation: Infinite Liquidity Provider

Jan. 22, 2023

January 22, 2023

 I do not support this

I dont believe in transparency, I think things should be as opaque as my dark pools.

Also I dont think people should have transparency of better priced orders. You get the price my dark pools give you Im the infinite liquidity provider. Im selling you 1000 cars even though only 300 exist. I love my Madoff market maker Exemption What a great guy and a good market maker for me at Citadel to look up to I loved his Netflix special where the SEC did nothing to stop him.  I can short companies into bankruptcy and then I never have to buy back the shares. Free easy money I love bankrupting American and international companies for my gain.

Dont change the rules

Also dont look into the GME tokenization Ponzi Im running with FTX and Mr Harrison. Its such a good Ponzi I can collect all this money without having to actually buy GME. I can use it for locates to it too

My good friends at the CTFC say its all cool They arent reporting any swaps till 2025. Thats the transparency I love I love how me at Citadel, SBF at FTX and Rostin Behnam at the CTFC had a round table talk how to duck the poors Say hi to  Rostin for me Gary

Ps loved your investor meme stocker pied in the face video. Great use of tax payer money

Kind Regards,,
Mayo Madoff II