Subject: S7-30-22: WebForm Comments from Phillip Worts
From: Phillip Worts

Dec. 28, 2022

December 28, 2022

 Comments on S7-30-22: Regulation NMS: Minimum Pricing Increments, Access Fees, and Transparency of Better Priced Orders

Thank you for providing individual investors, like myself, the opportunity provide input on the proposal.

Fair and transparent markets are fundamental expectations that investors have when utilizing broker-dealers. Here are my thoughts as an individual investor:

-Changes to tick sizes will help prevent broker-dealers from trying to scrape a percent in between the pennies during internalization and in dark pool venues which levels the field for lit exchanges.
-Access fee caps and greater transparency for order prices will help offer better priced trades
-There should be no exemptions for market makers, broker-dealers with high or low volume, small- or large-block trades, or otherwise.

Thank you for your time.