Subject: File No. S7-29-22; Release No. 34-96493· Disclosure of Order Execution Information
From: Johnnie Walker

Mar. 27, 2023


Dear SEC Commissioners,

I am a retail investor and I am writing to express my full support for this proposal. I believe that this proposal will greatly benefit the efficiency, competition, and capital formation in the securities markets.

Firstly, I appreciate the thoroughness of the initial economic analysis and the identification of all benefits and costs. It is clear that the SEC has given due consideration to each effect on efficiency, competition, and capital formation. It is my sincere belief that the proposed rules and amendments will promote transparency and fairness in the securities markets, which will benefit all investors, including retail investors like me. In my opinion, the proposed rules and amendments are necessary to address current issues in the securities markets and to promote investor protection.

Order execution is a vital part of a health market and it is only detrimental when orders are not handled with the professionalism and respect they deserve. Each and every order an investor makes represents an important signal to the market, coming together with all other contemporary orders to form the market itself. Anything less than best execution is not good enough, and broadening the scope of the existing rules to include more companies / institutions is only good and proper for the sake of healthy and fair markets.

Overall, I believe that the proposed rules and amendments will provide significant qualitative benefits that have been identified in the initial economic analysis. I fully support the SEC's proposal and believe that it will lead to a fairer, more transparent, and more efficient securities market.

Thank you for considering my comments.