Subject: RE: File No. S7-29-22; Release No. 34-96493· Disclosure of Order Execution Information
From: Robert Waelder

Mar. 19, 2023

Dear SEC,

I am writing in support of the proposed rule concerning the disclosure
of order execution information (File No. S7-29-22). The enforcement of
transparent and ethical practices in the financial markets is vital to
protect individual investors and promote fairness.

Best execution is crucial for individual investors who may not fully
comprehend the complexities of trade execution. It is essential to
provide clear guidance on reading and interpreting the data in
Regulation NMS Rule 605 reports, specifically for retail investors who
may lack extensive knowledge of the markets.

Brokers have a duty of best execution derived from common law agency
principles and fiduciary obligations. However, it is necessary for the
SEC to establish and enforce a rule to ensure compliance. Conflicted
orders should not be part of a best execution rule, as they may result
in customers paying higher transaction prices or being unaware of
revenue arrangements between brokers and subpar trading firms.

Past incidents, such as Robinhood's misleading statements and Citadel's
unfavorable pricing for customer trades, highlight the need for more
stringent regulations. Imposing quarterly reviews of execution quality
would enhance transparency and accountability for broker-dealers' practices.

The proposed rule provides a comprehensive standard for broker-dealers
to follow, leading to consistently robust best execution practices.
Implementing Regulation Best Execution is a vital step in safeguarding
household investors and fostering fair and efficient markets by ensuring
optimal execution for their trades.

In conclusion, I urge the SEC to implement the proposed rule on the
disclosure of order execution information to protect individual
investors and promote transparency and fairness in the financial markets.

Thank you for considering my input on this crucial matter.


Robert Alexander Waelder from Gainesville Florida