Subject: S7-29-22: WebForm Comments from Tom
From: Tom

Mar. 2, 2023

March 2, 2023

 I fully support the proposed rule by the SEC to require broker-dealers to disclose more information about their handling of customer orders. This proposal would increase transparency in the market and provide investors with more detailed information about the quality of their order executions. The proposed rule would also promote competition among broker-dealers by incentivizing them to improve their execution quality and compete on quality rather than just on price. By publicly reporting their execution statistics, broker-dealers would be encouraged to strive for better execution outcomes, ultimately benefiting investors and promoting market efficiency and fairness. Additionally, the proposed use of standardized metrics for measuring execution quality would provide a consistent and reliable way for investors to compare execution quality across broker-dealers. Overall, this proposed rule is a positive step towards increasing transparency, accountability, and fairness in the financia
 l system, and I fully support its implementation.