Subject: S7-29-22: WebForm Comments from Trevor
From: Trevor

Mar. 01, 2023

March 1, 2023

 Market makers provide \"infinie liquidity\" which in turn provide no true price.  Order competition needs to be clear and obvious with full transparency in the markers.  The market makers cannot continue to make money off of retail by internalizing most of their trades.  All four rules proposed on december 14th for better market structure order competiton and price discovery need to be implemented as soon as possible.  The next step is elminating FTDs Failure to Delivers is one of if not the biggest problem in the markets.  No where in the world can you purchase something and then not have to pay for it.  If you buy a car or home you have to pay for it.  If you buy a stock you have to pay for it.  If you borrow and short a stock you have to buy it back.  Its very simple and this loophole in the system is enabling wall street to steal millions from retail investors every day.  It needs to stop enforce mandatory buy ins and increase the price until the trade is made.  The markets need
  to be fair and perform as the stock market should with basic supply and demand.