Subject: S7-29-22: WebForm Comments from Ken Mayonaise
From: Ken Mayonaise
Affiliation: Naked Shorter

Jan. 12, 2023

January 12, 2023

 I do not support this proposed rule.

UwU whats this.

How am I supposed to naked short in peace if I have to disclose. The CTFC is nice I dont have to disclose any swaps til 2025.

Can marker makers get a Bernie Madoff exemption again for liquidity purposes. I think this Madoff sounds like a good guy. We here at Kens mayo really look up to him and Sam Bankman Fried.

Mr. Harrison one of my colleagues worked with me and for FTX. But i would never steal investor funds like SBF did. (Wink wink) (nuzzles you)

Can we get a redo and act like this whole meme stock thing never happened. I really like your SEC video where you cream pie the meme stocker in the face.

Can we go back to ******** the poors like we used to Gary.

3 you - Ken Mayonaise