Subject: S7-29-22: WebForm Comments from Margaret Merrywheather
From: Margaret Merrywheather

Dec. 29, 2022

December 29, 2022

 It should not be allowed to point to fake tokenized shares in an SQL database somewhere on the Bahamas to fulfil locate requirements when naked shorting shares of established U.S. enterprises.

The fictitious nature of fake tokenized shares in an SQL database created by lowly college dropouts on the Bahamas will render price discovery in securities useless and will increase systemic market risk dramatically.

                "lastName": "Margaret Merrywheather",
                 "affiliation": "",
                "commenterAddress": {
                                "streetAddress": "",
                                 "city": "",
                                 "state": "",
                                  "zip": "",
                                 "country": "United States"
                "email": "",
                 "phone": "555-123-8888"
 "submitterInfo": {
                 "isThirdParty": "false",
                 "submitterName": "",
                 "submitterOrganization": "",
                 "isAffiliated": "true",
                 "affiliationName": ""
"rulingInfo": {
                 "fileNumber": "S7-29-22",
                  "ruling": "s72922",
                  "rulePath": "/comments/s7-29-22",
                 "title": "Disclosure of Order Execution Information"
"commentDate": "December 29, 2022",
 "htmlFilename": "s72922-nnnn.htm",
"uploadFilename": []