Subject: S7-29-22: WebForm Comments from Greg Senger
From: Greg Senger

Dec. 26, 2022

December 26, 2022

 Like other proposed legislation, this too is a good move to help level the playing field against billionaire investors, hedge funds, and so called market makers. Controlling the tech and execution of trades gives them an advantage that the average small time investor simply doesn't have. If the US stock market is to be the model for investors the world over, we have to show that we are a country of laws and that no man or hedge fund is above the law.

I also think that after hours, internalized trades should be made illegal. It's easy to cook the books when you've got all the power to control the money, and the money to buy enough lawyers and congresspeople to change the laws. How many trillions of pennies were skimmed from internalized trades and siphoned to the Wall St. fat cats.  No wonder income inequality is so rampant.  No chance a billionaire works harder than a single mother with 2 jobs trying to keep a roof over her head and food on the table.