Subject: S7-29-22: WebForm Comments from Cara Tunstall
From: Cara Tunstall
Affiliation: IT Professional

Dec. 22, 2022

December 22, 2022

 The US equities market has become an international embarrassment in the last century.  We turn a blind eye to the crime but the world is watching and sees the US as a state of Oligarchs.  I turned 30 a few weeks ago, I am a relatively young American woman.  But the clear class separation of America I see - that my working class must obey all laws and struggle with very little - while the ruling class obey no laws, turn the market into a casino, and there are not any repercussions for these actions.
The more transparent we make our market, the less bad actors will be able to manipulate our market.
Instant settlement, akin to what other markets like South Korea has implemented, would solve nearly all the problems with the market.
But more transparency will be a step in the right direction.