Subject: S7-26-22: WebForm Comments from Greg S. Warner
From: Greg S. Warner

Nov. 10, 2022

November 10, 2022

  Self-regulated organizations are unregulated organizations.

It is my opinion that Swaps shouldn't exist in the first place, as they were designed to obfuscate data and positions. By creating fancy (ie convoluted, complicated, and corrupt) financial \products\ hedge funds and banks CREATE ways to hide information from the market. If the information is hidden, it cannot be regulated. If it cannot be regulated, crime is certain to take place.

The fact that you have to propose a rule to prevent 'Fraud, Manipulation, and Deception' in 2022, shows that this locomotive has been running without brakes for a long time. We're currently in a slow-motion train-wreck, and while it won't/cant(?) be prevented this time, we must make it impossible for them to run the economy into a steel wall at a million miles per hour for a 3rd time in two decades.

The people require and demand transparent markets and the enforcement of ALL rules and regulations for ALL participants