Subject: XRP
From: Eliot Minichiello

Dec. 23, 2020

Honestly I’m speechless. I’m speechless because I’ve always thought the SEC was a respectable bunch of professionals who were a balancing force against corruption and greed. But now as an investor that is supposed to be protected under your rules, I only see it as a prop and mafia like entity that is as corrupt as any of the violating companies. This is a giant waste of time and tax payer money to go after Ripple and Brad and Chris who have worked hand in hand with regulators since the beginning. I know I didn’t think I was buying a share when I purchased my XRP and I don’t know anyone else who thinks so either. Maybe try doing this 8 years ago before FInCen declared it a currency. Maybe try to actually do a decent job providing guidance when companies are seeking it in a new industry instead of coming after them much later and saying “you should of known” how to act. Maybe try doing things differently. Maybe the government should overhaul your agency or provide a lot more oversight, seems like you guys are the ones needing the “guidance” these days. Anyhow, I’m sure others have said this but if it gets declared a security, then holders will wonder why you didn’t try to protect them for the last 8 years... which is what you were really supposed to care about. Have a happy holiday season!

-Eliot Minichiello