Feb. 10, 2021
Re: File No S7-24-20 I am writing to let you know that the proposed intervention by the SEC into public capital markets has the potential to severely impact our ability to remain in business. Having access to Market-adjustable Convertible Loans has been and will continue to be a vital source of financing for our business. This has been especially the case during this critical and economically disabling COVID-19 pandemic. As a President and CEO of an emerging company that is not listed on the national securities exchange it can be challenging for us to obtain financing from more traditional sources of funding in order to execute our business plans and grow our business. Without these convertible loans we would absolutely not have been able to maintain our business. Please do not make rule changes that would cripple our business as well as other small and medium-sized public companies. All of the loans we have entered into are approved by the officers and board of directors. We have relied heavily on this source of financing to stay in business and anticipate needing to have access to this in the near future. Please reconsider any intervention you may be considering as losing this valuable financing tool could be a potential death sentence to us. Sincerely, William E Beifuss, Jr. President and CEO Digital Locations, Inc.