Subject: FILE NO S7-24-20
From: Robert Linton

Feb. 08, 2021

To whom it may concern, 

I have been involved with OTC companies for almost 25 years. It can be very challenging to attract funding to these small companies. The companies and the convertible note has been a consistent funding instrument for years.  

If regulations increase the wait period from six months to 1 year for 144 rule stock this will hurt investors and the companies. The funders would have to change their funding criteria making it more costly to the companies receiving the funding which gets passed on to the investors.  

I propose that shortening the wait period is a better approach. If you shortened the wait period to 3 months it would help limit the risk to the investors and they could offer better terms to the company which will help protect the investors and stimulate economic growth.  

In these difficult times we really need help stimulating investment into growth opportunities whereas this new modified regulation will hamper growth.  

Thank you for considering all sides and a complete picture of the OTC market place. The best way to protect the investors is to give the companies more opportunities to get hard cash investment into the companies to execute its business plan.  

Robert Linton  


Thank You, 
Robert Linton