Subject: FILE NO S7-24-20
From: Eric Blue

Feb. 05, 2021


Mrs. Countryman – 
I trust that this note finds you well. 
In response to the new regulations the SEC are considering regarding Rule 144 holding period and Form 144 filings SA Release No. 10.911 (Exchange Act Release No. 90773, 2020). We have great concern over the SEC's consideration of extending the current holding period for Rule 144 as it will remove access to the convertible loans that we as a growing OTC PINK company rely on to obtain funding for our growth. These convertible loans have been and we envision will continue to be in the near term essential to our ability to fund both working capital and growth. My chief concern centers around the fact that the proposed change could lead to a reduction in these type of convertible loans and that will potentially be harmful to us and companies like us in the future.
Thanks in advance for your consideration. 
Regards - 
Eric Blue 
Bridgeway National Corp.