Subject: File No. S7-24-20
From: Gene Cartwright

Feb. 04, 2021

To whom it may concern, 

I am the CEO of Guided Therapeutics, a small public company which is listed on the OTC.  We have struggled financially over the last few years but we are now pulling out of these difficulties and we hope to become a financially successful company. 
We have a new technology for screening for cervical cancer that we believe will replace both the Pap smear and HPV. 
During this financial difficult time, we have found the variable rate convertible loans to be helpful to us in bridging to more traditional financing. 
We would be very disappointed if the new rule change came into being which increased the Rule 144 time to one year from 6 months.  We believe that the one year time frame would possibly eliminate these variable rate convertible notes from the market.  As I said above, these convertible notes were important for us to stay afloat during difficult times. 

Thank you for your consideration 
Gene Cartwright, Ph. D. 
CEO, Guided Therapeutics