Subject: File No. S7-24-15
From: Victor Lee

May 11, 2020

The United States is an open society with a free market place. Why all of a sudden we get a big government that sticks its nose in private citizen's personal affairs and second guesses citizens' investment practices on LEGAL investment vehicles? How are we different from totalitarian regimes like China or North Korea then?

Leveraged and inverse funds are the corner stones of my investment strategy. I am very familiar with the performance characteristics of these funds. I've been dealing with them for years. Why should some third party "person" that knows nothing about me dictate where I can or can not invest MY money?

Isn't a democratic government of the people, by the people, and for the people? Are we still a free society? We are talking about continuing to give people their choices on personal investment not about committing a crime or anything like that. The SEC should really lighten up. If it insists, it can spend money on educating the public and not impose restrictions on investor choices.