Subject: Comment on SEC Proposed Rule #S7-24-15
From: Paul & Gail

May 3, 2020

I have been an active investor since the 1960s. I do my own research and use brokers only to make trades. I have not shared personal, financial, or investing goal information with brokers, because I don’t seek their advice, so they don’t need it. 

The information you require will be stored in a data base from which I derive no benefit. All data bases can be hacked, and identity theft is rampant. Further, you will require a person who was probably not even born when I started investing, to evaluate INFORMATION THAT I AM REQUIRED TO SUPPLY to determine if I understand the risk of trading leveraged investments… that’s absurd!

Your Proposed Rule #S7-24-15 has no up-side for me; only down-side. The person who suggested it needs to be fired.

Paul Knapik