Subject: File No. S7-24-10
From: Thomas E Martin , PhD
Affiliation: Canidate for CFP

October 21, 2010

Timeshare and Vacation Ownership(Asset Backed Securities) must be included in the mortgage related securities investigation. Is it possible Goldman Sachs executives packaged select Wyndham Vacation Ownership "timeshare"/vacation ownership asset backed securities inside the mortgage related securities then the Goldman Sachs employees bet on the loss?? The value of timeshare/vacation ownership asset backed securities would instantly start to decline in value just like driving a new car off the car lot. Timeshare and Vacation ownership is nothing more than a strategy to "save equity position" over the long term. The value of the Timeshare DEED does not go up in value for resale or investment purposes. Next, I personally know Wyndham Vacation owners request a copy of the DEED after they paid for the mortgage related loan in full??? They are given paperwork with a transit number, which in turn is NOT the DEED(e.g. Asset Backed Security)??
Furthermore, The majority of financial/insurance firms also used "agent validation grids" to force financial sales agents to rollover old employer retirement money into high risk qualified and non qualified plans some of which feature new mortgage related securities funds.
EX: The 2003 New England Financial(A MetLife Company) Qualified VA with GMIB rider feature new real estate funds showing as high as 20% returns. The New England financial sales rep paycheck would be held if the financial agent did NOT write/sell high risk qualified and non qualified plans to consumers.. Do you still wonder why good people are sitting back doing nothing?(e.g. Phantom Competitors) Please contact me @ [phone number redacted] if I could assist you in any way. Ask me more, Tom