Subject: File No. S7-23-19
From: Cindy Callaway

January 29, 2020

RE: File Number S7-23-19 Rule 14a-8

Dear Mr. Clayton and Members of the SEC,

Im a mother and am extremely worried about the rapidly accelerating impact of climate change on my children and all children. As a member of Mothers Out Front, I urge you to withdraw changes to SEC Rule 14a-8.

By changing this rule, the SEC makes it much harder to stop funding of dirty, soon-to-be-obsolete fossil fuel production. As a country, we need to shift funding to support clean, renewable energy of the future, and to move toward this quickly and equitably. Corporations need to hear these words from citizens such as myself.

It is important for private investors to know what funds are sustainable, and will impact climate change on my children.

Corporate actions have a big impact on climate, and shareholder proposals are an important way for investors like me to have a voice.

Please reject this proposed change.

Thank you,

Cindy Callaway
