Subject: File No. S7-23-19
From: Robin L. Frees
Affiliation: Licensed Independent Social Worker-Ohio

November 8, 2019

Regarding S7-23-19. Small investors at $2,000 should be able to participate in the process. A much higher qualifying amount would disqualify many investors who have good proposals that should be considered. Corporations need to be accountable to all investors and the public at large. Not just for their self serving needs.
I worked for Anthem and owned stock in the company and was proud to be able to vote and had the option to submit proposals.
If the amount limit is set higher, it will only further the disparity between the rich and the middle class. Most investors wouldn't be allowed to submit proposals since they couldn't quality. How does that make corporations richer in diversity? I really do not want the rich corporations and top execs making all our public policy. It's the small investor who really makes this country