Subject: re: File No: S7-23-19
From: Stephen Crilly

February 3, 2020

Dear Secretary Countryman,

Regarding the subject rule changes, I respectfully and strongly request that the SEC adopt the conclusions in the comments of the Center for Political Accountability, dated January 31, 2020, copy attached.

It is unfortunate that I must express the opinion that doing otherwise would further erode the public’s trust in government, suggesting that the SEC might be a captive agency in an administration beholden to big-money corporate donors, rather than being concerned with the interests of the public.

Please analyze the comments by the US Chamber of Commerce, the Business Roundtable and NAM toward the end that they are relying on misleading information. See

Please reject the Proposed Procedural Requirements and Resubmission Thresholds under Rule 14a-8.


Stephen Crilly
