Subject: S7-23-19 Comments for Submission
From: Larry Hovekamp

Jan. 9, 2020


Rule Comments,
The Security and Exchange Commission must NOT weaken or deregulate all guarantees for citizens to file shareholder proposals. 
I am retired but my livelihood depends on the security and safe management of the investments I own. These retirement investments include stocks, mutual funds and bonds. I earned these retirement investments from my hard work from jobs in the Federal Government, taxi driving and as a substitute teaching, and through as inheritance by my parent work in factories and warehouses.
I am concerned about the security and responsible management of all securities and investments. Its safety relies on regulatory control on the action of corporate executives and managers, to stem any reckless and corrupt activities that would ruin my portfolio and that of other citizens.
I also share the concern that all influence to discipline corporate behavior by stockholders will be stymied if laws and regulations are not thoroughly enforcement or even repealed. Concerns such as the environment, labor rights, excessive executive compensation, human rights and public safety would not get addressed if new rules and policies favor CEO's of corporations.
Stockholders are the real owners of corporations and are therefore its bosses. Nothing should be done to weaken and eliminate this right. New rules and enforcement must not be tilted to favor corporate management and accountability to share owners and the public should remain the guiding principle.
Thank you for your attention.
Larry Hovekamp 