Subject: S7-23-19 Comments for Submission
From: Glenn Clark

Jan. 9, 2020


Rule Comments,
what, its not enough that these greedy scumbags are already pulling down obscene salaries with obscene stock perks,travel,etc ? when is enough going to be enough? i had to work for 35 years and bust up my body to earn my paycheck and at 55 was forced to retire due to cancer. now i cant afford shit because the rich man keeps taking and taking,while leaving very little for the rest of us. is this all to add to the chaos that is going to claim our society soon? the 99% are well aware of who is creating the chaos. and it is a battle that was started in 1954 with the gathering of the rich fucks. it all must must be spread around for success,not hoarded by the smallest of percentages(of rich fucks).i broke my ass,was exposed to chemicals,and many other things that will kill you over time and yet to this day the rich bastards are still telling us we make too much. well, hell i dont have a pot to piss in after all these years and dealing with health issues,that will cert ainly add up to bankruptcy 
Glenn Clark 