Jan. 8, 2020
Rule Comments, I am a working American with some investment, via my 401(k) plans in the American stock market. History has or should have taught us that corporations need to be regulated. The excesses of the past led to Great Depression that devastated our economy for more than a decade. It hurt the core of working America with widespread harm to generations of American workers. Consequently, prior generations established the regulations that worked for decades only to see them weakened leading to the Great Recession. We have seen an economic upturn that has been narrowly beneficial to our country and has provided the impetus for yet further efforts to relax corporate oversight. The outcome of these efforts should be self-evident. We need to maintain the right for citizen shareholders to submit and have their resolutions distributed. These resolutions are internal efforts to regulate corporate behavior, not in an anti-corporate effort but in an effort to maintain shareholder value for retirees and others whose principal investments in the markets are via their pension plans, 401(k) plans and IRAs. I oppose your efforts to make it harder for Main Street investions fo protect their interests and urge you to keep the regulations as they are and not tilt them in favor of corporations and the well-heeled CEOs. Thank you for your attention. Ken Sagar [redacted]