Subject: S7-23-19 Comments for Submission
From: William Mckenzie

Jan. 7, 2020


Rule Comments,
Members of the SEC 
I am presently a retiree of General Motors who through my years as a skilled trades employee I utilized the ESOP program that was a result of negotiations with my UAW representatives. As a result I purchased shares of stock in both GM and other corporations as well through that program. I also had a brokerage account where I purchased stocks, bonds and both mutual and index funds which I still have ownership in. I believe corporations have a responsibility for fair labor standards, reasonable and relative executive compensation, human rights and safe work conditions and responsible actions affecting the environment. And most of all I believe that the SEC should provide fair and equitable rules that are not set up to favor corporate executives over the individual main street investors. Thank you Bill McKenzie 
William Mckenzie 