Subject: S7-23-19 Comments for Submission
From: Lawrence Abbott

Jan.7, 2020


Rule Comments,
Dear SEC
I am a retired Teamster with a jointly managed union/employer pension. Corporate CEOs want the SEC to make it harder to submit shareholder proposals at company annual meetings. These shareholder proposals encourage companies to act more responsibly on important social policy issues such as reforming executive pay, respecting human rights and protecting the environment.
Working people retirees, such as myself, are invested in companies through our retirement savings. We depend on shareholder proposals as part of a democratic process that holds corporate CEOs accountable.
Main Street investors, such as myself and all of my peers, oppose making it harder for all Main Street investors by being required to file shareholder proposals.
I care about corporate responsibility and want rules that are not tilted toward corporate CEOs. Corporations must be required to serve workers and our shared environment. Executive compensation is far too high. Income inequality is a crisis that is destroying America!
Thank you, Lawrence Abbott 
Lawrence Abbott 