Subject: S7-23-19 Comments for Submission
From: Wilhelm & Sherry Strateff

May. 3, 2023

Rule Comments,
We need a government that works for it's citizens not corporations. Corporations have had their way for far too long and that is why everything is so broken. How many companies have taken the republican tax giveaway and then turned around and moved their company to a foreign country for cheap labor, just for increased profits. I was forced out of my job when the company I worked for sent all the work to India. This [redacted] has been going on for quite some time, this not something new. Corporate America is out to make the CEOs rich, which make the workers casualties of the disease called corporate greed. We need a drastic change. We can't believe we are fighting for Human rights, the environment and labor standards. This should not be happening in America in 2020, but it's brought to you by the republican party of corporations by corporations; and their dirty money to reelect the politicians that share in the same greedy behaviors. Rules should not be tilted in favor of corpor ate CEOs. Corporations never do anything out of the goodness of their hearts they only consider the workers rights and the environment when they are forced to by legislation. 
Wilhelm & Sherry Strateff 