Subject: S7-23-19 Comments for Submission
From: Philip Angert

Jan. 7, 2020


Rule Comments,
There are many corporate leaders in America who are driven by making money any way and at any cost to the Earth and its people. As a government representative, it is your job to ensure that your constituents are protected from these people that hide behind the corporate curtain and take no responsibility for their actions. Looking at the history of asbestos and Round-up we see CEOs and members of boards of directors that knowingly cause cancer and death by manufacturing and selling their products. If I caused the damage they have, I would be in jail. The "nameless" individuals that make these deadly chemicals hide behind "The Corporation" and are not held accountable for the damage they knew would result from use of these chemicals. Now these corporate leaders want to hide from their Main Street investors. They are already not responsible to Americans and now they want to face no challenge within their own corporations to be responsible. 
These people are out to make money any way they can. Here in Pennsylvania we have "benefited" from corporate logging that clear-cut our forests in the 1800s destroying the land and sending untold tons of top soil into the Gulf of Mexico. The tanneries and other business that dumped so much pollution in the waterways that streams sometimes caught fire! Also the strip miners mid 20th century with their tons of subsoil covering the ground with a blanket non fertile waste. 
Let me repeat that as a government official your job is to protect the people of this generation and the Earth for future generations! 
Corporations need policed the same as other people and Main Street investors can be one tool in the defense against their unbridled greed.