Subject: S7-23-19 Comments for Submission
From: John Ross

Jan. 7, 2020


Rule Comments,
Corporations and corporatist have far too much control over our Congressional Representatives and therefor far too much power, influence and control over US Citizens lives. Insurance companies essentially have the power of life, prosperity, ruins and even death over our lives and the time to change this equation is long overdue. Given the “Promote the General Welfare if We the People Clause” in the Constitution and our Mantra of a Government For, By and Of the People, it’s obviously apparent that Our Founding Framers did not intend that the profit motive of corporations and corporatists take precedence over the needs of the citizenry. It’s obvious that the economy should work for and benefit the Citizenry first and foremost. Please work to implement changes that will change these imbalances and improve the lives of the US Citizens.
John Ross
John Ross 