Subject: S7-23-19 Comments for Submission
From: Michael Moore

Jan. 7, 2020

Rule Comments,
I'm writing to register opposition to proposed SEC rules making it harder for shareholders to participate in corporations' annual meetings by bringing proposals to the floor.
As a writer and editor who lives and works in St. Paul, MN, I work hard to provide for my family now and into the future. I'm investing in stocks, mutual funds and a pension to secure my own retirement and my children's education. I see it as my personal responsibility.
But I also believe in corporate responsibility, and these proposed rules would unfairly limit my ability to voice concerns as an investor about environmental issues, labor disputes and other things I care about. 
So I urge you to reject the proposed changes. We don't need rules that give corporate CEO's more power, when they already have too much of it. 
Michael Moore 