Subject: S7-23-19 Comments for Submission
From: Melissae Bletsian

Jan. 7, 2020


Rule Comments,
I am writing to voice my concern over rules titled in favor of corporate CEOs. 
I am a caregiver and work with very sick and dying people. My partner is a union carpenter. We care about corporate responsibility—labor standards, executive compensation, human rights and the environment. 
We cannot abide the trend of CEOs making decisions that effect our bottom line, including the bottom li e for all citizens. They need to get their hands out of the cookie jar and try actually working for a living. 
We invest, and I assure you that we invest in socially and ecologically responsible businesses. 
It's time for the CEOs, bosses, and wealthy elite to face the changes that the rest of cannot avoid, climate change, political unrest, skyrocketing homelessness and military (active and veteran) suicides and more, are the result of greedy corporate leaders hellbent on increasing profit by any means necessary. But no one profits when the bottom line does not take these realities into account. The time of predatory capitalism has come to an end. Now is the time to do the right thing! 
Melissae Bletsian 

Melissae Bletsian 