Subject: S7-22-21: WebForm Comments from Anonymous
From: Anonymous
Affiliation: Medical Research

Oct. 09, 2022

October 9, 2022

 Dear SEC,

Every day in my line of work, in every medical research lab, we ask ourselves: did I do this right? Did I follow protocol? Could a compatriot across the country mimic my research step by step and end at the same conclusions I have? In short, do we have integrity?

These same questions combined with public financial data will render any questioner stumped. When I read that the SEC is responsible for the oversight of financial institutions, and I see that you have sent Martha Stewart to prison, I ask, what have you done to actual financial institutions?While the monopoly that we call our free market and free trade system deals with tangible numbers, in the trillions, of shares unaccounted for. Multiple institutions breaking the law for years to the tune of billions of dollars of money taken from unknowing citizens This is the same money that we use every day to eat. To obtain an education. To purchase medication, pay for health, and maybe a treat, for the rats that are your victims. One has to be so willfully ignorant to ignore that the money you, the SEC, collects in fines or establishes precedence of unlawful gains, is the money of the people. The same money that we use to live, to survive, to hope. That money came from the work and time of in
 dividuals who leave their home and comfort to obtain this currency. I urge you to simply realize what your are doing is beyond absurd in asking individuals who give their time, their education, their efforts every day to working for money, for that money to be funneled into organizations you work with. You are asking individuals whose specialty and time lies elsewhere, to help you in your field of study, in your career, to identify fraud that you have helped breed. These individuals take their free time, educate themselves, comment on your proposals, but for what? You, the SEC, are here to protect the individual, and at the same time do absolutely nothing to tangibly change a system designed by your very employees. The operations of the SEC and financial institutions governing our daily livelihood is easy to identify. There are no secrets that the same people that design the rules go on to executive positions at institutions that continue to disregard those rules

So I ask you this time, why should the individual comment? You have thrown these comments into the void, research pinpointing specifically how this fraud happens is at your fingertips.

What more can be asked of the individual? The ball has never left your court, and yet you act defenseless and powerless as an organization. There is not one rule to change the deep layers of corruption, but this is a start to going in the right direction.

Can you, the SEC, guarantee that all shares borrowed will be borrowed and reported correctly? Will there be repercussions equal to or greater than the blood and human time wasted to earn money that you deem unlawfully obtained?

In short, without the integrity of the medical research community, without individual integrity and accountability, we would not have most medicines. We would not make progress as humankind as we have been making progress. Please, I beg, please, realize the severity of your actions, and how you, today, are the problem.