Subject: File number S7-22-19
From: Micah J. Mollric

Jan. 14, 2020


Vanessa A. Countryman, Secretary 
Securities and Exchange Commission 
100 F Street, NE 
Washington, DC 20549-0609
Re: File Number S7-22-19
January 14, 2020
Dear Ms. Countryman,
As someone who counts as “the little guy,” I’m very passionate about common sense regulations and laws that create a level playing field for people like me. People who are hard working, honest, doing our best for ourselves and our families, and not expecting more than what we have earned.
I am going to ask, however, that the SEC do what it can to protect investments that individual investors make for ourfutures. I have a 401K and a personal Roth IRA and I invest what I can each month in each of these accounts. Nothing makes me angrier than the thought that the effort I’m putting in now could be undone through an orchestration by advisory firms who don’t even answer to actual shareholders. 

I recognize the purpose of these firms. Proxy season exists in a narrow window and investment funds undoubtedly need help delving into the countless proposals; some good and some bad. Still, I think they have overstepped their bounds by pushing policies that don’t prioritize investor returns and by valuing political positions, which can change at any moment, over growing returns for investors. To bill yourself as an advisor, but provide recommendations that are not intended to positively impact your investments does not make sense.
Those of us with a stake in the market expect that everyone working with our investments has our best interest in mind, and it’s in our best interest for everyone to be growth-minded.
Thank you,
Micah Mollric