Subject: Rule # S7-22-19 Proxy Firm Rule
From: Kraig Day

Jan. 08, 2020

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Honorable Chairman Clayton,
I am a high school English and history teacher in Peoria, Arizona. As a conservative, I spend a lot of my time debunking the revisionist history my students have been taught and exposing how liberalism and progressives have negatively impacted America and our freedoms.
I recently learned about how proxy firms work to represent investors and how the process has been hijacked by firms that promote a liberal agenda over the best interest of investors. This is an outrageous abuse of power and fiduciary responsibility! Many of the people the proxy firms represent are small investors who depend on the expertise of proxy firms to help them grow their investments. The idea that people who are supposed to do what is best for investors would hold companies hostage to their liberal agenda and use their voting power to promote abortion organizations and anti-2nd Amendment groups at the expense of the companies and investors is unconscionable.
I encourage you to support Rule # S7-22-19 to stop this practice.
Kraig Day