Subject: Rule 57-22-19
From: Anonymous
Affiliation: AIG

January 3, 2020

Hello Chairman Clayton 

I am a Financial Advisor with AIG formerly VALIC. The thought of funds that my clients have worked for and saved to invest going to anything other than building for their futures and their families futures is appalling. Retirement savings should not be used as political fodder for anyone's agenda. When I commit to my clients that I am a fiduciary and I am looking out for their interest, that is an oath that I take with great honor. As an agent of an investment firm I should be able to tell my clients that I am protecting their interest, and be able to know that is the truth. I feel proxy voters have the same responsibility to the shareholders that they represent, that government representatives have to their constituents. Anything that can be done to unify against the scourge that is abusing the american citizen for a political agenda, I fully support. A message needs to be written in neon across the horizon that today is a day of reckoning, and we shall no longer stall idly by, while watch our beautiful home be turned into a sewer at the hands of these soulless cretins. Please do everything that you can to stop these people, bring this issue to the light of day.  

Ironically, many of my clients are teacher that support many of the agenda's that are being promoted by the left. If they realized that their retirement savings where being used in this manner they might start singing a different tune.  

I would be happy to help an any way that you could use me. 

