Subject: S7-21-21: WebForm Comments from D L
From: D L
Affiliation: Typical Wage Slave

Jan. 11, 2023

January 11, 2023

 This is a long and complicated proposal and since I, as a mere retail investor, don't have an army of overpaid 'experts' to handle all of this for me I certainly can't pretend to fully understand this proposal.

However, I can understand that this is focused on increased transparency. This I can certainly support

As a retail investor and a worker struggling to support a family on increasing costs and stagnant or decreasing pay, any improvements in transparency are extremely important to me.

Beyond just transparency being important I feel that its MORE important for the huge firms, institutions, organizations, entities, etc, that violate rules and commit crimes and frauds to actually be PUNISHED.

I don't mean simply punished with slap on the wrist 'cost of doing business' level fines, but actual fines greater than the amount that was earned by the crime and more than that... actual admission of guilt AND jail time Any repeat offending groups should certainly lose their license to continue doing business and participate in the markets.

Alternatively, I wouldn't oppose the guillotine as a just punishment. I'm pretty sure that in the past that was used to permanently solve issues with long term criminals, con-men, and snake oil salesmen.

So I support this proposal if it means more transparency and fairness in the markets. I support it even more strongly for each group that was previous fined, but obviously not required to admit something as plebeian as 'guilt', that comments AGAINST this proposal.

While on the subject or transparency, fairness, and enforcement... I want to comment that we need openly available and ACCURATE data on FTDs and SWAPs as well as severe punishments and actual ENFORCEMENT for those that violate it.