Subject: File No. S7-21-21
From: Lucas Kolasa

February 6, 2022

Yes, make this rule happen asap. USA is tired of a corrupt, manipulative, stock market. It is 2022, all shares should be on the blockchain. We should be able to see where ALL shares are at any point in time, and it should be publicly accessible. Shares can be trader in the blink of an eye, and each share would have tracking, thanks to blockchain. This would eliminate naked short selling. If they didnt have the share, they couldnt short it. The fact that you let them GUESS if they can get the shares is insanely unprofessional. Does NASA guess when calculating distance to the moon? No. It is precise. We have the technology for that, but you expect us to believe that the best you can do is guess where the shares are? That doesnt sound criminal to you? Come on its times to get this nation in order. These people are driving it into the ground. If i could figure out the solution (using blockchain to track every individual stock), and i am not paid to do this job that means someone that does get paid should have figured it out and implemented it long ago. Blockchain was invented in the 80s. How long have you been knowingly allowing the market to be manipulated? This whole time? That is crazy, and disappointing. Also, way to telegraph your investigation then coincidentally the warehouse burns down and you let them scoop up and haul off papers from the warehouse while it is still burning and smoldering. That is not normal behavior by the fire department. People are talking and circulating photos across the internet, world wide. USA is looking like a corrupt 3rd world nation. Will people want to invest in the USA? Will you just give the keys to the kingdom to china or russia or europe? You really need to get things in order before you kill the economy and lose the nation. The world is watching. You must know
that. Even children are talking about it, because even kids know how to use the internet. This is 2022 i am begging you to catch up or step aside and let someone that knows how to use the internet take control for a while. Thanks for letting me use my right to free speech. You guys really worry me.