Subject: File No. S7-21-21
From: John

January 13, 2022

This needs to be passed. There is no good reason this data has not been available before other than negligence and corruption. The fact so many of these brokers and market makers have commented against it for including short positions for nonsense reasons such as it could confuse the public if shares are double counted shows EXACTLY why it needs to be passed. In the age of supercomputers and trillions of dollars flowing through the market are we supposed to believe these companies can't keep track of their shares and compile an accurate report? It's more likely they have been doing shady things behind the scenes with short positions because the information has been incomplete to date and they don't want to be exposed and lose easy money from possible synthetic shares being sold.

Hopefully justice prevails and the SEC does not cave to the pressure of these criminals and passes this rule with the short position reporting included. I know millions of retail would be on the SEC side if that were to happen.