Subject: File No. S7-20-21
From: Mussie Gebregziabiher

Mar. 5, 2022

My name is Mussie Gebregziabiher and I'm a private (or retail) investor, I'm here to voice my support to amend Rule 10b5-1.  We need rules that allow fairness in our market system.   I believe this amendment closes the current loophole that allows a special class of investors to play by different rules.  Unlike the regular investor, for far too long the executives have exploited the current rule and benefited unfairly.  We need the insider trading loopholes enforced and prevent these special classes of investors from using their inside knowledge to participate in the market.  
Please implement the 'Proposed Amendments' and 'Enhanced Disclosures' to Rule 10b5-1 as outlined in S7-20-21.   
Thank you for your time.
Mussie Gebregziabiher 
Lake Ridge, Virginia, USA