Subject: file number S7-20-21
From: Mike Soltys

Feb. 19, 2022

I am in favor of the new (and more) measures that lead to transparency and ease of access for the SEC and investigating parties to uncover insider trading.  

Furthermore I believe we need faster and more severe action to be taken against not only the offending parties but those who have benefited or enabled it's continued happenings. 

With the recent pressures on congress to cease trading (due to obvious conflicts of interest) now is the best time to seize on this momentum and the momentum of meme stocks / public interest to make the markets and their players accountable and more transparent.  

We need more accountability and immediate information available to the reviewing parties. We need it to stop corruption in its tracks because if not the 'cancer' spreads. That is also the reason we need real penalties for ALL of the involved parties, not just fines for the ones who can afford them.