Subject: File No. S7-20-21
From: Alex Marcu
Affiliation: Accountant

February 21, 2022

I like the direction insider trading laws are going but I think it should be taken a step further. Any individual and/or their spouses no matter what level or position of power they sit at, should not be allowed to take place or trade in any individual type of security. Instead there should be a selection committee as a completely separate third party that chooses a list of mutual funds and ETFs that insiders are allowed to trade also implementing the cool off periods to promote long term holding. Simply adding cooling off periods is not enough, and the trading of individual securities, derivatives, and/or any other financial instrument should not be traded by any individual and/or their spouses or family members if they are in a position to receive insider information just due to the work occupation they are performing. Thank you for your time and all your work.