Subject: S7-19-21: WebForm Comments from Chris Palmiero
From: Chris Palmiero

Oct. 08, 2022

October 8, 2022

 For too long the table has been slanted in favor of the rich and powerful over the individual retail investor, with money flowing in only in one direction. Every day it seems the financial elite create some new method of ensuring that retail investors never see price discovery on any of their investments. Is this what is meant to be the goal of the stock market? Or is it a place where retail was told to invest so they could grow their funds for retirement and not have to work until they are 90? At what point did the US Government (See: the SEC) decide to turn a blind eye and just allow hedge funds and so called market makers to enact any policy they deem makes them the most profit? How is it possible that Citadel is not only a market maker providing liquidity but is also one of the largest investment firms on the planet??? How is this not the biggest fraud/conflict of interest in the history of history? Short selling of securities is not simply immoral, it is un-American. In what ot
 her space do we allow such blatant fraud? How is this not checked and regulated at every turn? The answer is greed. On your part and theirs. Transparency and accountability. Clean up the markets before people lose faith (if they havent already) and the market will no longer exist.