Subject: File No. S7-19-20
From: Rob Coates
Affiliation: Doordash Dasher

January 5, 2021

I believe Doordash Dashers and other like workers in this \"gig economy\" deserve to be included in things like stock options or paid in stocks. A big reason for this is already stated in the proposal: the industry we serve customers from/for is evolving as an industry and an economical influence. The impact the industry and its companies and workers will have on the overall USA economy is only expanding and growing to new levels. If workers are to continue to devote their time and efforts to the industry, companies and supporters should have ways to both reward and encourage loyal workers, letting the growth be seen for an individual as well as the whole company and wider industry. In turn, rewarding workers with any sort of monetary or monetary equivalent resource will only continue to strengthen the broader economy of the country and each state. We as the workforce of this \"gig economy\" long felt overlooked until the unfortunate events of COVID caused us to be noted and needed. Since it is now clear we are an essential workforce in an important industry, we deserve benefits and pay to reflect the level of importance. It is only fair our status grows with the status of the companies. It is also a great way to hold onto loyal workers, which even regular format companies struggle to hold in recent times when they do not treat their workers accordingly to the time and effort devoted. It can and should \"snowball\" in a positive way, again to end up positively impacting the country's economy too, but at the start just giving a reason to keep sticking with it for the workers, even when things get crazy like the times with COVID. This is not just seem teenager first job sort of thing, nor a college student making money on the side like it seemed when the industry and companies like Doordash just began. This is a full-time, full-size industry with mature and dedicated workers, including people with families. Please do not overlook the importance because it is still a fairly new way of working. Thank you