Subject: File No. S7-18-23
From: Anonymous

Thank you to Gary Gensler and team for putting forth Rule 6b-1, and shame to the higher-ups who disallow him from 'breaking down doors' to snuff out the blight that is rapidly undermining trust in the American financial system. It is almost certainly due to the fact that our Congress is bought and paid for. PFOF is Bernie Madoff's brainchild, disappointing it's taken so long to begin fighting such an inherently conflicting practice. Market Makers have proven time and time again that they will stop at nothing to nickel and dime retail investors, awarding them undue power over politics, regulatory matters, the stock market itself and any crypto exchange they engage in high frequency trading within. Any ruling that is vehemently opposed by the likes of Virtu Financial and Citadel has my utmost support. The audacity of Citadel to sue the SEC not once, but twice, to "protect retail investors," is telling of their desperation to preserve their shady, underhanded revenue streams. IEX and Consolidated Audit Trail are directly beneficial to retail investors, which is why they have been opposed, so please stay the course. Market Makers will expend many millions and file litigation to fight over mere microseconds, I find that telling. The arguments of transparency, potential for security breaches, and harm to retail investors insisted by these organizations is a boldfaced lie. This new ruling gives me hope that genuine transparency may possibly exist in the stock market in the future, although it certainly does not today, and there is much more to be done. Such as, the extent to which illegal financial activity is punished. I often hear that fines given to large financial institutions are a "slap on the wrist," however I would not even go that far, they are likely factored in as a cost of business, and/or utilized as a tax write off. There is no resisting force to balance these institutions from doing what they want, when they want. I absolutely loathe the rampant financial corruption in this great nation and am effectively powerless other than to write a comment supporting the work of one understaffed branch, which I also suspect of having friends in the private sector for the exchange of business/regulatory favors. After looking more in depth with Citadel's most recent lawsuit, it appears they are joined by the American Securities Association versus the SEC, if it is any indication of my level of trust, I suspect the ASA is acting on behalf of Citadel's pocket change. I am inclined to believe I am far from the only one who is beginning to think this way in a broader sense. With that being said, keep up the astounding work and continue to bring the fight to corrupt financial entities, and continue to hamper their ability to abuse the mechanisms of their position. Once again, thank you and feel free to reach out to me for further inquiries. Just don't get me started on the banks...