Subject: File No. S7-18-23
From: Jack Pieper

Dear Chair Gensler, Thank you so much for your request for public comments on this proposal. I think that the current system wholesalers and market makers use not only is a determent to retail in terms of pricing of their securities, but further obfuscates reporting and further disassociates retail investors from the securities that they paid for. Retail does not buy in round lots, nor do they buy large enough quantities of stock to take advantage of the aleged benefits to the incremental pricing. Effectively, the current way securities are priced and sold wholesale is only a benefit to the established players in the market making industry. The practice of being able to undercut and front run trades just because you paid $.001 more is absurd, and only leads to fraud and ineffective price discovery. I WHOLEHEARTEDLY support this proposed change to reg. NMS. New regulation is sorely needed. Thank you so much Chairman Gensler. Keep fighting against the corruption. We are rooting for you! - Jack Pieper